The pre-shave prep your face deserves
The rejuvenating effects of a good, clean shave can have you looking and feeling like you’ve reverted to a younger self. The younger self who didn’t experience random, indiscernible joint pain upon waking, the younger self who could drink five whiskey cokes the night before a morning hike and still be the first person on the trail. If done correctly, your pre-shave ritual could be the bit of Zen your morning needs to feel re-energized and ready to charge through your day. Follow the tips below if you want to start your week with a smooth and successful shave.
- Add Some Steam:
Don’t just splash some warm water on your face. Really heat things up by running a clean wash cloth under warm water and letting it rest over your chin and cheeks. Then take the time to create a to-do list for the day. Then simplify it. Then simplify it even more. Express gratitude that you have a moment to yourself in the bathroom without your kids clamoring at the door. Do this until the wash cloth has gone cool. This will ensure your stubble is at its softest and open up follicles for the moisturizing shave cream you’ll follow-up with after. - Create Lather:
Take out your shaving cream. It should be in a tin or a tube, because you’ve graduated from the over-drying canned stuff and your face deserves better. Then grab your shaving brush, the one that came in the artisanal shaving kit you rarely use. Tell yourself that you’ll use it more often, and wet the bristles. Then dab some cream onto the center of the brush, or dip the brush into a container if using, and begin working the brush against your face in small circles to create a rich lather. This will coat each individual hair with cream and get it nice and prepped for an easy removal. Take a moment to enjoy the scent of your shaving cream for a brief moment of aromatherapy. - Shave:
Grab your razor and begin. Use short, slightly-overlapping strokes, taking care to pay attention to any small areas you may have missed so you can address them afterwards. If there are spots you’ve missed, re-lather and go over the area again. Rinse your blade thoroughly, then rinse your face and dry by blotting with a clean towel, not raking one over your face as you head out the door. After you’re dry, rinse your shaving brush under cool water. Use your fingers to separate the bristles to ease all of the product out. Then gently squeeze out the excess water and set it back in its stand or on its side to dry. - Hydrate:
Follow through with a daily moisturizer. If you don’t have one, add buying one to your to-do list. This will replenish your skin’s natural moisture barrier and really seal in that just-shaved radiance that would only last moments if you skipped a lotion. And if you’ve taken the time to follow the steps above, you’re going to want to make sure this feeling lasts all day.
And there you have it. A clean-shaven face and your daily mindfulness meditation, all-in-one.
When all is said and done, a smooth shave relies on the ability of your razor. Consider Dorco’s Pace 7, the world’s first seven blade system. With its honeycomb guard bar and the antioxidant-rich moisturizing strip, you’ll be ensuring your face receives the care it deserves while you effortlessly eliminate stubble with the seven blade system, one stroke at a time.